Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I am looking forward to this journey into the Public Libraries Learning 2.0 program so very much. I can't wait to learn about all of the technologies that I see and hear others using, especially the young teens in our public library. I feel so 'behind the times' when it comes to knowing about things like podcasts, Flickr and social networking sites and I am very excited about the opportunity to become familiar with all of these sites and technologies and to be more 'intouch' with our younger generation and their activities on the internet.

I loved the examples of blogs provided - I haven't really explored any blogs before though I had a basic understanding of the concept of blogging. Now having seen a couple of library blogs I am going to search for some more that relate to books and reading promotion, as this is my greatest passion. What a great opportunity for an online book discussion for all of our patrons who are unable to access our regular daytime book club!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Great to see you have started - please ask for help if you need any.

You might find some useful sites/ideas about reading on the readers advisory wiki (http://readersadvisory.wetpaint.com/?t=anon) - you might even want to become one of the writers

Ellen (PLS)