Thursday, July 24, 2008

Feed Me..... Chocolate!

Well, I was surprised to find that it was quite easy to set up my bloglines account and RSS feeds - I simply pasted the URL of some general library-related blogs into the reader... so this process seems to have been pretty straightforward.

I'm still pondering how beneficial RSS feeds will be to me.... I wonder whether they will contribute to a feeling of "information overload"..... as a result of all of these snippets of information coming directly to me everyday - they seem a bit like subscribing to e-lists I think. I suppose the key will be to set up feeds from a few quality sites rather than feeds from a great number of blogs and sites which contain information and updates that mightn't be very useful to me in my day-to-day work. I'm keen to follow through and explore this further though, as I'm sure that with some more experience using RSS feeds I'll probably become more accepting of this new technology.

Oh and by the way... an interesting article I stumbled across which I thought was very relevant to Week 3's learning was Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services by Darlene Fichter at - I'm going to have a look at some of the libraryland blogs listed - when I can find some time!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

With rss less is often more. Once you get to week 7 you will find out about some other tools to help with your person information alerts.

Ellen (PLS)