Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And for all the other chocolate lovers out there

.......try this recipe for chocolate brownies:

Wow - what an exercise. I found embedding a YouTube video easy but embedding a Google video was a completely different story. Couldn't find the "Embed Video" link for the life of me. Consulted Google help and comments from other NSW Public Libraries Learning 2.0 participants but still couldn't find that link that I needed. Then suddenly it appeared next to the video clip. Not sure why - think it must have appeared after the clip had finished playing.... this is the only explanation I can come up with. From there it was easy.

How cool was the video "QandANJ: Now Your Library is Open Late Night Too." Very clever. I think it would be very cool to post videos of our library activities on YouTube. I'm sure videos of our most successful library events would appeal to some of our non-library users and encourage them to come along and take part in some of the fun themselves. Videos of storytime, school holiday activities (eg. Jam sessions, Trivia Nights), family fun days, and other @ your library events (eg. Library Lovers Day, Murder Mystery Nights) would surely draw more people into the library. Who wouldn't want to be a part of fun like that! Video might also be a good medium for instructing users how to use the catalogue and databases etc but YouTube mightn't be the best medium for this. I tend to think the more novel videos like the State Library of Queensland building project would be better suited to YouTube or Google video, and to breaking down stereotypes of libraries as boring places.

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